Monday 24 September 2012


The silence is so defining,
Its strange but you filled my whole world,
Slotted into every corner,
Put sunshine into my heart,
And poured light around this darkened spirit.

And then, Nothing.
No word,
No sound,
No warmth,
No embrace...
Just an empty space.

I'm trying my hardest to just be,
To breathe,
To function,
Not  think about the echoing void of solitude I find myself in.

I long for a sign,
A sentence,
A kiss,
A touch,
But still this rejected heart lays dormant.

That at least part of you feels as I do...
Or feels at all

Patience my friend

1 comment:

  1. It is having the Thing Wonderful that allows us to feels its absence.
    The gnawing absence.
    Rock on!
    (Look at all the new thoughts to take in. Must return!)
